Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President Elect Barack Obama

I do not typically like to post things about Politics however today is a historical time in my life and I wish to document it and to express my feelings of our President Elect Barack Obama.

What an amazing time in our lives. Yesterday was a day that I will remember where I was the moment when Barack Obama was elected President of the United States of America. This historical moment will be written in the history books and will be something that I will be able to teach my children. I am so proud to have voted for Barack Obama. Never in my life have I been so inspired by a politician. My brother Rich posted a wonderful article that outlines how historical this moment is for African Americans. How far they have come and what this moment truly means.

Written by Dr. Gates

A new dawn of American leadership is at hand.

President-elect Barack Obama
We have all heard stories about those few magical transformative moments in African-American history, extraordinary ritual occasions through which the geographically and socially diverse black community—a nation within a nation, really—molds itself into one united body, determined to achieve one great social purpose and to bear witness to the process by which this grand achievement occurs.

The first time was New Year's Day in 1863, when tens of thousands of black people huddled together all over the North waiting to see if Abraham Lincoln would sign the Emancipation Proclamation. The second was the night of June 22, 1938, the storied rematch between Joe Louis and Max Schmeling, when black families and friends crowded around radios to listen and cheer as the Brown Bomber knocked out Schmeling in the first round. The third, of course, was Aug. 28, 1963, when the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed to the world that he had a dream, in the shadow of a brooding Lincoln, peering down on the assembled throng, while those of us who couldn't be with him in Washington sat around our black-and-white television sets, bound together by King's melodious voice through our tears and with quickened-flesh.

But we have never seen anything like this. Nothing could have prepared any of us for the eruption (and, yes, that is the word) of spontaneous celebration that manifested itself in black homes, gathering places and the streets of our communities when Sen. Barack Obama was declared President-elect Obama. From Harlem to Harvard, from Maine to Hawaii—and even Alaska—from "the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire … [to] Stone Mountain of Georgia," as Dr. King put it, each of us will always remember this moment, as will our children, whom we woke up to watch history being made.

My colleagues and I laughed and shouted, whooped and hollered, hugged each other and cried. My father waited 95 years to see this day happen, and when he called as results came in, I silently thanked God for allowing him to live long enough to cast his vote for the first black man to become president. And even he still can't quite believe it!

How many of our ancestors have given their lives—how many millions of slaves toiled in the fields in endlessly thankless and mindless labor—before this generation could live to see a black person become president? "How long, Lord?" the spiritual goes; "not long!" is the resounding response. What would Frederick Douglass and W.E.B. Du Bois say if they could know what our people had at long last achieved? What would Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman say? What would Dr. King himself say? Would they say that all those lost hours of brutalizing toil and labor leading to spent, half-fulfilled lives, all those humiliations that our ancestors had to suffer through each and every day, all those slights and rebuffs and recriminations, all those rapes and murders, lynchings and assassinations, all those Jim Crow laws and protest marches, those snarling dogs and bone-breaking water hoses, all of those beatings and all of those killings, all of those black collective dreams deferred—that the unbearable pain of all of those tragedies had, in the end, been assuaged at least somewhat through Barack Obama's election? This certainly doesn't wipe that bloody slate clean. His victory is not redemption for all of this suffering; rather, it is the symbolic culmination of the black freedom struggle, the grand achievement of a great, collective dream. Would they say that surviving these horrors, hope against hope, was the price we had to pay to become truly free, to live to see—exactly 389 years after the first African slaves landed on these shores—that "great gettin' up morning" in 2008 when a black man—Barack Hussein Obama—was elected the first African-American president of the United States?
I think they would, resoundingly and with one voice proclaim, "Yes! Yes! And yes, again!" I believe they would tell us that it had been worth the price that we, collectively, have had to pay—the price of President-elect Obama's ticket.

On that first transformative day, when the Emancipation Proclamation was signed, Frederick Douglass, the greatest black orator in our history before Martin Luther King Jr., said that the day was not a day for speeches and "scarcely a day for prose." Rather, he noted, "it is a day for poetry and song, a new song." Over 3,000 people, black and white abolitionists together, waited for the news all day in Tremont Temple, a Baptist church a block from Boston Common. When a messenger burst in, after 11 p.m., and shouted, "It is coming! It is on the wires," the church went mad; Douglass recalled that "I never saw enthusiasm before. I never saw joy." And then he spontaneously led the crowd in singing "Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow," John Brown's favorite hymn:
Blow ye the trumpet, blow!
The gladly solemn sound
Let all the nations know,
To earth's remotest bound:

The year of jubilee is come!
The year of jubilee is come!
Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.

At that moment, an entire race, one that in 1863 in the United States comprised 4.4 million souls, became a unified people, breathing with one heart, speaking with one voice, united in mind and spirit, all their aspirations concentrated into a laser beam of almost blind hope and desperate anticipation.

It is astounding to think that many of us today—myself included—can remember when it was a huge deal for a black man or woman to enter the White House through the front door, and not through the servants' entrance. Paul Cuffe, the wealthy sea captain, shipping merchant, and the earliest "Back to Africa" black colonist, will forever have the distinction of being the first black person to be invited to the White House for an audience with the president. Cuffe saw President James Madison at the White House on May 2, 1812, at precisely 11 a.m. and asked the president's intervention in recovering his famous brig Traveller, which had been impounded because officials said he had violated the embargo with Britain. Cuffe, after the Quaker fashion, called Madison "James"; "James," in turn, got Paul's brig back for him, probably because Cuffe and Madison both favored the emigration of freed slaves back to Africa. (Three years later, on Dec. 10, 1815, Cuffe used this ship to carry 38 black people from the United States to Sierra Leone.)

From Frederick Douglass, who visited Lincoln three times during his presidency (and every president thereafter until his death in 1895), to Soujourner Truth and Booker T. Washington, each prominent black visitor to the White House caused people to celebrate another "victory for the race." Blacks became frequent visitors to Franklin Roosevelt's White House; FDR even had a "Kitchen Cabinet" through which blacks could communicate the needs of their people. Because of the civil rights movement, Lyndon Johnson had a slew of black visitors, as well. During Bill Clinton's presidency, I attended a White House reception with so many black political, academic and community leaders that it occurred to me that there hadn't been as many black people in the Executive Mansion perhaps since slavery. Everyone laughed at the joke, because they knew, painfully, that it was true.

Visiting the White House is one thing; occupying the White House is quite another. And yet, African-American aspirations to the White House date back generations. The first black man put forward on a ticket as a political party's nominee for U.S. president was George Edwin Taylor, on the National Liberty Party ticket in 1904. Portions of his campaign document could have been written by Barack Obama:

"… in the light of the history of the past four years, with a Republican president in the executive chair, and both branches of Congress and a majority of the Supreme Court of the same political faith, we are confronted with the amazing fact that more than one-fifth of the race are actually disfranchised, robbed of all the rights, powers and benefits of true citizenship, we are forced to lay aside our prejudices, indeed, our personal wishes, and consult the higher demands of our manhood, the true interests of the country and our posterity, and act while we yet live, 'ere the time when it shall be too late. No other race of our strength would have quietly submitted to what we have during the past four years without a rebellion, a revolution, or an uprising."
The revolution that Taylor goes on to propose, he says, is one "not by physical force, but by the ballot," with the ultimate sign of the success being the election of the nation's first black president.

But given all of the racism to which black people were subjected following Reconstruction and throughout the first half of the 20th century, no one could actually envision a Negro becoming president—"not in our lifetimes," as our ancestors used to say. When James Earl Jones became America's first black fictional president in the 1972 film, "The Man," I remember thinking, "Imagine that!" His character, Douglass Dilman, the president pro tempore of the Senate, ascends to the presidency after the president and the speaker of the House are killed in a building collapse, and after the vice president declines the office due to advanced age and ill health. A fantasy if ever there was one, we thought. But that year, life would imitate art: Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm attempted to transform "The Man" into "The Woman," becoming the first black woman to run for president in the Democratic Party. She received 152 first-ballot votes at the Democratic National Convention. Then, in 1988, Jesse Jackson got 1,219 delegate votes at the Democratic convention, 29 percent of the total, coming in second only to the nominee, Michael Dukakis.

The award for prescience, however, goes to Jacob K. Javits, the liberal Republican senator from New York who, incredibly, just a year after the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, predicted that the first black president would be elected in the year 2000. In an essay titled "Integration from the Top Down" printed in Esquire magazine in 1958, he wrote:
"What manner of man will this be, this possible Negro Presidential candidate of 2000? Undoubtedly, he will be well-educated. He will be well-traveled and have a keen grasp of his country's role in the world and its relationships. He will be a dedicated internationalist with working comprehension of the intricacies of foreign aid, technical assistance and reciprocal trade. … Assuredly, though, despite his other characteristics, he will have developed the fortitude to withstand the vicious smear attacks that came his way as he fought to the top in government and politics … those in the vanguard may expect to be the targets for scurrilous attacks, as the hate mongers, in the last ditch efforts, spew their verbal and written poison."

In the same essay, Javits predicted both the election of a black senator and the appointment of the first black Supreme Court justice by 1968. Edward Brooke was elected to the Senate by Massachusetts voters in 1966. Thurgood Marshall was confirmed in 1967. Javits also predicted that the House of Representatives would have "between thirty and forty qualified Negroes" in the 106th Congress in 2000. In fact, there were 37 black U.S. representatives, among them 12 women.

Sen. Javits was one very keen prognosticator. When we consider the characteristics that he insisted the first black president must possess—he must be well-educated, well-traveled, have a keen grasp of his country's role in the world, be a dedicated internationalist and have a very thick skin—it is astonishing how accurately he is describing the background and character of Barack Obama.

I wish we could say that Barack Obama's election will magically reduce the numbers of teenage pregnancies or the level of drug addiction in the black community. I wish we could say that what happened last night will suddenly make black children learn to read and write as if their lives depended on it, and that their high school completion rates will become the best in the country. I wish we could say that these things are about to happen, but I doubt that they will.
But there is one thing we can proclaim today, without question: that the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States of America means that "The Ultimate Color Line," as the subtitle of Javits' Esquire essay put it, has, at long last, been crossed. It has been crossed by our very first postmodern Race Man, a man who embraces his African cultural and genetic heritage so securely that he can transcend it, becoming the candidate of choice to tens of millions of Americans who do not look like him.

How does that make me feel? Like I've always imagined my father and his friends felt back in 1938, on the day that Joe Louis knocked out Max Schmeling. But ten thousand times better than that. All I can say is "Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound."

If you were unable to see this historical time in our lives you can view President Elect Obamas speech at:

I know there are many hard times ahead for our country. Our Economy is in complete turmoil, our healthcare system is broken, our foreign relationships or ruined, the global poverty is increasing every second of the day, and our environment is being destroyed. Though I do not know for sure all that President Elect Barack Obama will do for us nor do I know if he will be able to change everything, I do believe in him. I do believe that he will get us back to the America we once were and should be. We are the greatest nation in the world and should be doing better for our citizens and the other countrys of the world. President Elect Obama will take us there. I am so proud to be an American citizen and for the freedoms that I have. I know how blessed I am to be an Amercian Citizen. And I am so proud to have voted for President Elect Barack Obama!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Fun Weekend!

Last weekend was full of excitement and a little craziness. My oldest brother Rich and his wife blessed their baby girl on Sunday. My sister flew in with her baby girl on Thursday for the blessing so I drove up with my mom to pick her up. On the way back from the airport we stopped and played at Gardners Village. Right now it is all decorated with their Halloween stuff and Witches. I love going there this time of year because it is so darn cute!

Sydney did not like being that close to the witch.

She loved them when she was farther away.

Anywhere there is a pony around you can find Tess on one.

The Beautiful Girls of the fam besides Lisa and Ally. We missed you!

So we went to Gardners Village on Thursday and Michelle went with us even though she was ready to pop at any minute. I think she really wanted to walk as much as she could so that she can have her baby that weekend. And it worked on Saturday morning she went into Labor and had little Cohen Jacob.
8lbs 20 inches

The new dad trying to get sleep whenever he could

So Cute!!!

This is the closest Sadie would get to him that day. I think she thought he was a doll.

Sunday was another day full of craziness. Darby Jeane was blessed. Rich and Jess counted and found out there was a total of 65 people that came to their house after the blessing. It was such a beautiful blessing. We were so happy to be apart of it.

Jessicas Mom made the dress. It is so beautiful!

There is a small smile.

Isn't she just the cutest?

Big beautiful blue eyes. Rich you are in trouble when she is a teenager.

On Sunday night my body was very thankful that I was allowing it to just lay down. Being an Aunt is one of the greatest joys of my life. Thanks to all of my fam for letting me be a part of their lives and their childrens lives. It is so amazing to see these little things grow from the day they are born to where they are at now. It feels like Tess who is the oldest grandchild in the family was just born. And now I am surrounded by the cutest little kids and love them all so much!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


So this post is to ask for your help. I have lived in Provo my whole life and still have not figured out what you do on the weekends. What do people do around here? Matt and I are constantly sitting there on Friday and Saturday nights going well what should we do today? Another dinner and movie date? Lame! I must be way out of the loop around here 'cause I never hear about any cool things going on. And I don't always want to drive up to SLC or Park City and even in those places there isn't always much going on. So this is a plea to everyone that reads this post if you have any cool ideas or things that you and your husband/boyfriend do on the weekends besides a movie and dinner let me know. We need excitement in our lives and something to take us out of our day to day routines.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ok Ok You Got It!

Ok so you got it everyone. I finally did a Blog. I have no idea what you want me to write or talk about but here you go. Here is my first post for you. Most Blogs I see are used to post pictures of peoples kids but since I don't have that I will use this first Blog to post my baby Baxter.

Baxter when we first got him

I got Baxter for my birthday almost two years ago and he has definitely been a handful. But worth it. My family and Matt surprised me two years ago for my birthday so I had no idea that I was getting a puppy. He is full of energy and constantly getting into things. I hear that is how a two year old kid is so it is good practice for me. He isn't the smartest dog when it comes to what he should or should not eat. A few months ago he got into the bathroom cupboard and ate a bar of soap. He was pretty sick for 24 hours but once he got it out of him he was ok. Then a couple weeks ago Matt was grilling some sausage and one fell out of the pan. As it is still sizzling Matt is trying to grab it faster then Baxter but if you know Baxter he is the quickest dog when he sees food. It is gone in a split second. So the sausage is sizzling and the dog just swallows it. Of course his entire mouth gets burned and he is very sick. So again another night of cleaning up throw up and taking him outside to go number two every few minutes. And I thought a dog would be easy. Just a fun pet to have around to play with. Noone told me there would be worked involved.
He has been a total excitement for us though and we totally love him. If we ever have to sell our place we will for sure buy a new one or rent a place that can have pets because I could not let him go. Yes it is true I have fallen into one of those pet people who can't live without their pets. But come on isnt he just dang cute (well besides his barking)!