April was filled with lots to do this year. We have lots of birthday celebrations in the month of April and there was lots of things going on this year for us and our family. So thought I would share some pictures of all that went on for us this month.We started the month out with a B-Day celebration for my dad and the first born Grandchild Tess who was born on the same day as my dad. Always a special treat for him I think. Michelle my sweet sister-n-law then has a b-day a few days after that. With how big of a family we have now we try to get together once in the month to celebrate all the birthdays for that month. If we didn't we would be having birthday parties probably once a week. Ok we aren't that big (yet).
The day we celebrated birthdays was a week before Easter and my parents were going out of town to visit my brother and his family in Texas over Easter Sunday for my new niece Millies blessing so we also did an Easter egg hunt that night.
And even though the little ones couldn't walk they still seemed to be pretty happy and enjoying the party.
We even got to hear the talented Cohen play some drums. He is six months in this picture and actually hit them pretty well. I was impressed. It looks like someone may need a pair of real drums when he is a little older. Won't his parents just love that.
My Brother Matt graduated from BYU in April and we gathered again to have a little celebration. He wanted to have a ping pong tournament and once again all the boys learned that my father never lets anyone win at anything. My mother joked the other day that even when we were very little playing Candy Land he still wouldn't let us win. In his defense he said he was helping us build character. I wonder if that is why I never like to fail.
Well enough about my family lets move onto Matt. The coming of spring means that Matt is never home on Saturday because he is doing the thing he loves which is being in the mountains shooting people with little plastic pellets. Matts new hobby (or as I say obsession) has been Airsofting. For those of you who don't know what it is it is like bb guns but much more advanced then the little ones we got when we were kids. The office at our house is filled with these guns and he actually has them being sold on the internet as a little side business. he goes up with my younger brothers Joe and Tay a bunch but they have also created their own kind of team and joined the Utah club. Sometimes they get up to 60 people at a weekly game. He plays all the way up to when the snow falls. They have even gone in the rain before. Here are just some fun pictures of him doing what he loves.
We also got to enjoy a Lacrosse game at UVU for Matts brother Ryan. It was the last game of the season and sadly the only game we had made out to but it was raining a ton and they were playing Westminister College. The game started out not looking so good for UVU but they pulled through and actually won. I don't remember the score but they won so that is all that matters. I had never seen a Lacrosse game so I was confused most of the time but all I cared about really was seeing that ball go in to the goal. Pretty much the same thing for most sports if you ask me.
With it being Easter that meant I could start decorating my table. For Easter Sunday we had Matts brother and sister over and so for the table I put together a little Easter bag for everyone.
I filled the bottom of the bag with candy and then put the crinkled grass as the topping where the little peep chicks sat on top. And then for the girls it got tied with a pink Easter bunny ribbon and the boys a little blue ducky ribbon. I thought they turned out cute and didn't cost hardly anything.
April was also the time right before Amber left on her mission. The day she gave her mission farewell speech at good old PV5 we went back to our house and the fam had a little photo shoot.
Well that is April. I know it is October now but I had started this post some time ago and then apparently never finished it. So instead of making a brand new one I decided to finish what I had started and share some pictures with everyone.
Cute blog Emily!!!
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